So, my kid's feedback on

So, my kid's feedback on

the "abusive boyfriend who you absolutely adore but can never be sure won't slap you" comment is recapped below: Mike: The slap sentence is perfect - you were essentially unapproachable. Max: I couldn’t tell you anything - all I would hear is buck up, move

I came across this short video

I came across this short video

from James Low yesterday and wanted to share it - it's only 29 seconds long: James is a psychologist and meditation teacher who has an incredibly unique series of lectures on the Waking Up app called Clarity and Equanimity, in addition to his own Youtube channel: James Low

When I was the program director

When I was the program director

of the general surgery training at the University of Minnesota, I was astounded by the fact that we had this crew of incredibly bright, energetic, and hard-working residents that we were responsible for sending out into the medical world, yet the focus of our education was pretty much on learning

Perception vs Perspective

Perception vs Perspective

I'm back after a bit of a hiatus. I was preparing to give grand rounds at the University of Indiana (I had a GREAT visit), and as is my habit when I care about something deeply, I became so hyper-focused that I stopped doing everything else - except


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