My wife and I used to

My wife and I used to

enjoy watching the news, particularly Morning Joe on MSNBC. She loved drinking her coffee while listening to the show, and I enjoyed the banter and dialogue. It started to become apparent that her favorite morning activity was affecting her mood, and mine, and not in a good way. The debates

Climbing the Mountain of Life

Climbing the Mountain of Life

I came across this quote from Robert Pirsig, the author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, and wanted to share it. "Mountains should be climbed with as little effort as possible and without desire. The reality of your own nature should determine the speed. If you become

Yesterday I was

Yesterday I was

at the gym, doing pull-ups on a machine. I had finished a set and was waiting for my one-minute timer to go off, and as I stared into the landscape of treadmills and weight-lifting machines, I noticed an East Indian woman walking in my direction. She appeared to be about

I saw this quote

I saw this quote

on a plaque in a garden on a walk today with Juno, my 10-month-old Cane Corso. I looked it up, and it was written by an Italian writer named Cesare Pavese. How true, right? For me, anyway. All I can remember are moments, and the ones I remember are laced


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