Perception vs Perspective

Perception vs Perspective

I'm back after a bit of a hiatus. I was preparing to give grand rounds at the University of Indiana (I had a GREAT visit), and as is my habit when I care about something deeply, I became so hyper-focused that I stopped doing everything else - except

On Being Broken

On Being Broken

I have been broken a few times in my life - that moment when you or your life seems f&%#ed. For me it happened over and over with each of my arrests as a teenager when I found myself, once again, riding in the back seat of a

I recently gave a keynote

I recently gave a keynote

on the topic of seeing and believing in others, and how the skill of being able to really listen well is so foundational to the ability to create trust, understanding, and a deeper connection with others. You may be nodding your head and thinking - "yeah, yeah, yeah, I&

I don't know about you, but I hate

I don't know about you, but I hate

complaining. I grew up in a poor and chaotic alcohol-laden world loaded with complaining from my wonderful "step-father" who sat at our cheap Formica kitchen table with his whisky highball and bitched about everything, including how I was always "eating us out of house and f&


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