I was on the phone the other day with

I was on the phone the other day with

my daughter Maya, who lives in Los Angeles. We talk almost every day, and on this day, when I called, she was shopping at a Whole Foods store. I love to cook, and so does Maya, and we have spent many hours in the kitchen together creating great meals. One

A couple of weeks ago, I was on my  morning

A couple of weeks ago, I was on my morning

walk with my dog Juno when I noticed a white spot in the fall leaves and grass. I walked past it but then turned around to check it out, and it was this little mouse. Dead. And on its back. The mouse looks peaceful and, well, kinda comfy, right? To

One morning as I am grinding on

One morning as I am grinding on

my elliptical in my Lulu Lemon underwear, Goruck merino wool socks, and orange and black 20-year-old New Balance tennies, I turned on the TV mounted on the wall in front of me and sifted through the deck of thumbnail cards that Google decided to deal to me on that day.

Are you aware of how you

Are you aware of how you

sound to others when you are talking? I was on the phone in my Tesla yesterday, sitting in the grocery store's lot, talking to a close friend about a mutual friend struggling with a personal problem I have struggled with in the past. At one point in the


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