I came across this short video
from James Low yesterday and wanted to share it - it's only 29 seconds long:
James is a psychologist and meditation teacher who has an incredibly unique series of lectures on the Waking Up app called Clarity and Equanimity, in addition to his own Youtube channel: James Low - Dzogchen and Buddhist Teachings.
In this Youtube Short, James gives us a reminder of the power framing to alter our perspective and even aspects of our mental health.
I would add a nuance to this. Sam Harris in the Waking Up app talks about life being a series of problems to be solved. I agree, and there is absolutely no doubt that problems always come knocking on the door of our lives.
So I would reframe James Low's frame to Life Is a Mystery that brings up problems that we all have to solve.
This frame offers a lighter touch to being alive, and one way I work to keep this mindset or attitude front and center is when I am out walking my girl Juno (my dog) I always spend time looking up, into the bright sunshine, the stars, or the clouds.
Looking up takes me away from me, which I have more than enough of most days, and into the mystery James talks about.
It is also a reminder to not take this whole project of living so damn seriously.
Feedback with a thumbs up or down is greatly appreciated, or drop an email to me michael@michaelmaddaus.com.