
Pay Attention To Your Attention So You Don't Get Lost

Pay Attention To Your Attention So You Don't Get Lost

Abstract On June 18th, 2021, Andrew Devers went on a short 3-mile hike along the Pratt River Trail in Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest in Washington state. He had hiked the trail before. But his mind was not on the trail that day. He was distracted and failed to notice a

What You Focus On Grows

What You Focus On Grows

Abstract I saw a psychologist for 3 years as part of my discharge aftercare after leaving Hazelden Treatment Center in 2012. I really liked my therapist. She was an incredibly kind and insightful woman who played a huge role in helping me navigate one of the darkest periods of my

How to Control an Out-of-Control Attempt to Control

How to Control an Out-of-Control Attempt to Control

Abstract My wife Lea loves to garden and create beautiful outdoor spaces. One summer day she decided to make a simple fence from birch tree branches. I thought it would be fun to spend some quality time together and "give her a hand." The helping hand turned into


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