
Are You Trying Too Hard When You Meditate?

Are You Trying Too Hard When You Meditate?

Just do it. The Nike tagline is symbolic of the American ethos. Go after it, try your hardest, and if you fail, get up, dust off, and try again. I love the phrase. I have lived by it. It has served me well. But, like many things, the idea is

Why Meditation Is Vital to Being Our Best Selves

Why Meditation Is Vital to Being Our Best Selves

Everything, absolutely everything,  starts with consciousness and awareness. In January 2020 a paper I wrote – The Resilience Bank Account (RBA) – will be published in the Annals of Thoracic Surgery. It is a practical and scientific review of 6 critical habits or skills (sleep, exercise, meditation, self-compassion, gratitude, connection) that have

Are You Above, or Below, the Line Today?

Our best selves. We know it when we have it. We operate at a high level of energy, we are actively engaged with whatever we are doing, we are open to and feel warmth and compassion toward ourselves and others, we feel creative, ideas flow from out of nowhere, and

How Sleep Cleans the Streets of Your Brain

Have you ever seen the streets of a major city being cleaned late in the wee hours of the night? In every major city, in the dark quiet of the empty streets, one can usually hear garbage trucks and street sweepers slowly cleaning up the mess from another day of


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