
Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day

Today is Father's Day, and since I have six children, I would like to share a few things that I have learned the hard way about being a father and parent. As a surgeon who had to overcome major early hurdles to become a surgeon and be "

Two Bullet Tuesday

Two Bullet Tuesday

Hi! A Quote: It will be said that, while a little leisure is pleasant, men would not know how to fill their days if they had only four hours of work out of the twenty-four. In so far as this is true in the modern world, it is a condemnation

Plastic Hell

Plastic Hell

Our world is swimming in an ocean of plastic garbage. And just like Blue Whales that suck up millions of plankton each day, we are sucking up microplastics from the air, the water, and our food, day in and day out, like it or not. The bottom line for this

"Comparison Is the Thief of Joy"

"Comparison Is the Thief of Joy"

Last week, during a coaching call, my client (who gave me permission to tell this story) told me about encountering two of his surgical colleagues (who are in the same specialty and division) eating lunch at their computers. The sight of them triggered him a lot. Why? Because he knew


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