The Resilient Surgeon S2: Commander Rich Diviney

The Resilient Surgeon S2: Commander Rich Diviney

In this episode, Dr. Michael Maddaus interviews Commander Rich Diviney, a retired US Navy Seal officer and author of The Attributes, 25 Hidden Drivers of Optimal Performance. Drawing from his 20-plus years of experience in the Navy, Diviney came to understand that even individuals at the highest levels of physical

The Resilient Surgeon S2: Dr. Brian Little

The Resilient Surgeon S2: Dr. Brian Little

In this episode, Dr. Michael Maddaus talks with Dr. Brian Little, a world-renowned psychologist and an expert on personalities. Dr. Little has written three bestselling books on personality, has a TED Talk called “Who Are You, Really?” that has been viewed more than 20 million times, and was voted a

The Resilient Surgeon S2: Dr. Amy Edmondson

The Resilient Surgeon S2: Dr. Amy Edmondson

In this episode, Dr. Michael Maddaus interviews Dr. Amy Edmondson—a scholar of leadership, teaming, and organizational learning. Best known for her groundbreaking work on psychological safety in the workplace, Dr. Edmondson is the author of seven books and is ranked as one of the most influential management thinkers. What

The Resilient Surgeon S2: Dr. Paul Conti

The Resilient Surgeon S2: Dr. Paul Conti

In this episode, Dr. Michael Maddaus has an insightful, don’t-miss conversation with Dr. Paul Conti, a psychiatrist and expert in trauma. Dr. Conti discusses psychological trauma: what it is and its far-reaching, profound effects on the mind and body. Listeners will learn that trauma changes the functioning of the


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